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Joe Onofrio
Joe Onofrio

STEP 5/ST V7 - Siemens

Simatic Step5 V7.1: A Powerful Software for Programming and Testing Simatic S5 PLCs

If you are working with Simatic S5 programmable logic controllers (PLCs), you need a reliable and efficient software tool that can help you create, edit, test, and manage your programs. That's where Simatic Step5 V7.1 comes in handy.

Simatic Step5 V7.1

Simatic Step5 V7.1 is a software package that allows you to program and test Simatic S5 PLCs using various languages and editors, such as ladder diagram (LAD), function block diagram (FBD), statement list (STL), and structured control language (SCL). It also provides you with a range of functions and tools for diagnostics, data management, documentation, and performance optimization.

In this article, we will show you how to use Simatic Step5 V7.1 effectively for your Simatic S5 PLC projects. We will cover the following topics:

  • How to prepare for programming with Simatic Step5 V7.1

  • How to edit with Simatic Step5 V7.1

  • How to test with Simatic Step5 V7.1

  • How to use other Simatic S5 programs with Simatic Step5 V7.1

  • How to create a practical example with Simatic Step5 V7.1

  • How to conclude and find more information about Simatic Step5 V7.1

By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how Simatic Step5 V7.1 can help you program and test your Simatic S5 PLCs efficiently and effectively.


Simatic Step5 V7.1 is a software package that was developed by Siemens AG, a global leader in automation and digitalization solutions. It is part of the SIMATIC family of products, which includes hardware, software, services, and systems for industrial automation.

Simatic Step5 V7.1 is designed specifically for programming and testing Simatic S5 BD editor, STL editor, and SCL editor. These editors allow you to create, modify, and view your programs in different formats and perspectives. They also offer various functions and tools for editing, such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, zooming, and printing.

  • It offers a comprehensive online help and documentation system that provides you with detailed information and instructions on how to use the software and the programming languages. You can access the online help and documentation by pressing the F1 key or clicking on the Help menu.

  • It enables you to test and debug your programs using the simulation mode and the test functions. The simulation mode allows you to run your programs without connecting to a real PLC, while the test functions allow you to monitor and modify the values of the variables, inputs, outputs, and timers in your programs.

  • It provides you with a range of diagnostic tools and error messages that help you identify and correct any errors or faults in your programs. You can use the diagnostic tools to check the syntax, consistency, and compatibility of your programs, as well as to display the status, errors, and warnings of your PLCs. You can also use the error messages to find out the cause and location of any errors or faults in your programs.

  • It allows you to manage and transfer your data using the data management and data transfer functions. The data management functions allow you to organize, save, load, export, import, and print your projects, programs, blocks, symbols, comments, and cross-references. The data transfer functions allow you to upload and download your programs and data to and from your PLCs using various communication interfaces, such as serial, USB, Ethernet, or PROFIBUS.

To use Simatic Step5 V7.1, you need to have a compatible computer system that meets the following minimum requirements:


Operating systemWindows XP SP3 or Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit or 64-bit)

ProcessorPentium 4 or higher

Memory1 GB RAM or more

Hard disk space2 GB or more

Display1024 x 768 pixels or higher

Communication interfaceSerial port (COM1 or COM2) or USB port (for USB/PPI cable) or Ethernet port (for Ethernet/PROFIBUS adapter)

To get Simatic Step5 V7.1, you need to purchase it from Siemens or one of its authorized distributors. You can also download a free trial version of Simatic Step5 V7.1 from the Siemens website for evaluation purposes. The trial version has a limited functionality and expires after 14 days.

Preparing for Programming with Simatic Step5 V7.1

Before you start programming with Simatic Step5 V7.1, you need to prepare your project and configure your hardware. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Create a new project. A project is a collection of files that contain your programs, blocks, symbols, comments, cross-references, and configuration data. To create a new project, click on the File menu and select New Project. Then enter a name for your project and choose a location to save it.

  • Configure your hardware. You need to specify the type and model of your PLCs and the communication interface you are using to connect them to your computer. To configure your hardware, click on the Options menu and select Hardware Configuration. Then select the appropriate PLC type from the list and drag it to the configuration window. You can also add other devices or modules to your PLC by dragging them from the list. To configure your communication interface, click on the Options menu and select Communication Parameters. Then select the appropriate interface type from the list and enter the required settings.

  • Choose your programming language and editor. You can program your PLCs using any of the four languages supported by Simatic Step5 V7.1: LAD , FBD, STL, or SCL. Each language has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the complexity and nature of your application. You can also use different languages for different parts of your program, as long as they are compatible with each other. To choose your programming language and editor, click on the Options menu and select Programming Language. Then select the language you want to use from the list and click OK. The corresponding editor will open automatically.

Once you have prepared your project and configured your hardware, you are ready to start programming with Simatic Step5 V7.1.

Editing with Simatic Step5 V7.1

Editing with Simatic Step5 V7.1 is the process of creating, modifying, and viewing your programs using the four editors: LAD editor, FBD editor, STL editor, and SCL editor. Each editor has its own interface and functions that allow you to edit your programs in different ways. Here are some of the main features and functions of each editor:

LAD Editor

The LAD editor allows you to edit your programs using the ladder diagram (LAD) language, which is a graphical language that represents the logic of your program using symbols and lines. The symbols represent the inputs, outputs, operations, and functions of your program, while the lines represent the connections and conditions between them. The LAD editor has the following features and functions:

  • It displays your program in a grid-like format, where each row represents a network and each column represents a contact or a coil.

  • It allows you to insert, delete, move, copy, paste, and edit symbols and lines using the toolbar, the menu bar, or the keyboard shortcuts.

  • It allows you to zoom in and out of your program using the mouse wheel or the toolbar buttons.

  • It allows you to print your program or save it as an image file using the File menu.

FBD Editor

The FBD editor allows you to edit your programs using the function block diagram (FBD) language, which is a graphical language that represents the logic of your program using blocks and wires. The blocks represent the inputs, outputs, operations, and functions of your program, while the wires represent the connections and data flow between them. The FBD editor has the following features and functions:

  • It displays your program in a free-form format, where you can place and arrange blocks and wires anywhere on the screen.

  • It allows you to insert, delete, move, copy, paste, and edit blocks and wires using the toolbar, the menu bar, or the keyboard shortcuts.

  • It allows you to zoom in and out of your program using the mouse wheel or the toolbar buttons.

  • It allows you to print your program or save it as an image file using the File menu.

STL Editor

The STL editor allows you to edit your programs using the statement list (STL) language , which is a textual language that represents the logic of your program using instructions and operands. The instructions represent the operations and functions of your program, while the operands represent the inputs, outputs, variables, and constants of your program. The STL editor has the following features and functions:

  • It displays your program in a line-by-line format, where each line represents a network and each network consists of one or more instructions and operands.

  • It allows you to insert, delete, move, copy, paste, and edit instructions and operands using the toolbar, the menu bar, or the keyboard shortcuts.

  • It allows you to zoom in and out of your program using the mouse wheel or the toolbar buttons.

  • It allows you to print your program or save it as a text file using the File menu.

SCL Editor

The SCL editor allows you to edit your programs using the structured control language (SCL) language, which is a textual language that represents the logic of your program using statements and expressions. The statements represent the control flow and structure of your program, while the expressions represent the calculations and assignments of your program. The SCL editor has the following features and functions:

  • It displays your program in a structured format, where each statement is indented according to its level and each expression is enclosed by parentheses.

  • It allows you to insert, delete, move, copy, paste, and edit statements and expressions using the toolbar, the menu bar, or the keyboard shortcuts.

  • It allows you to zoom in and out of your program using the mouse wheel or the toolbar buttons.

  • It allows you to print your program or save it as a text file using the File menu.

In addition to editing your programs with Simatic Step5 V7.1, you can also use some other features and functions that can help you improve your programming quality and efficiency. These include:

  • Using symbols, comments, and cross-references. Symbols are names that you can assign to your inputs, outputs, variables, and constants to make them more meaningful and readable. Comments are notes that you can add to your programs to explain or document them. Cross-references are links that show you where a symbol or a block is used or defined in your programs. You can use the Symbol Table Editor, the Comment Editor, and the Cross-Reference Editor to create and manage symbols, comments, and cross-references.

  • Using the block library and block properties. The block library is a collection of predefined blocks that you can use in your programs. Blocks are units of code that perform specific functions or tasks. You can use standard blocks that are provided by Siemens or user-defined blocks that you create yourself. You can use the Block Library Manager to access and insert blocks from the block library. You can also use the Block Properties Editor to view and modify the properties of blocks, such as name, type, parameters, attributes, and documentation.

Testing with Simatic Step5 V7.1

Testing with Simatic Step5 V7.1 is the process of running and debugging your programs using the simulation mode and the test functions. The simulation mode allows you to run your programs without connecting to a real PLC, while the test functions allow you to monitor and modify the values of the variables, inputs, outputs, and timers in your programs. Here are some of the main features and functions of testing with Simatic Step5 V7.1:

Simulation Mode

The simulation mode allows you to run your programs on your computer without connecting to a real PLC. This can help you save time and resources, as well as test your programs for functionality and logic. To use the simulation mode, you need to do the following:

  • Activate the simulation mode. To activate the simulation mode, click on the Simulation menu and select Simulation Mode. A green indicator will appear on the status bar to show that the simulation mode is active.

  • Load your program into the simulated PLC. To load your program into the simulated PLC, click on the Simulation menu and select Load Program into Simulated PLC. A dialog box will appear where you can select the program or block you want to load.

  • Run your program on the simulated PLC. To run your program on the simulated PLC, click on the Simulation menu and select Run Program on Simulated PLC. A dialog box will appear where you can select the run mode (single cycle, continuous, or step by step) and the execution speed (slow, normal, or fast).

  • Stop your program on the simulated PLC. To stop your program on the simulated PLC, click on the Simulation menu and select Stop Program on Simulated PLC.

  • Reset your program on the simulated PLC. To reset your program on the simulated PLC, click on the Simulation menu and select Reset Program on Simulated PLC.

While running your program on the simulated PLC, you can also use some other features and functions that can help you test and debug your program. These include:

  • Using breakpoints and watchpoints. Breakpoints are points in your program where you want to pause or stop the execution. Watchpoints are points in your program where you want to monitor or modify the values of variables, inputs, outputs, or timers. You can use the Breakpoint Editor and the Watchpoint Editor to create and manage breakpoints and watchpoints.

  • Using trace functions. Trace functions are functions that allow you to record and display the values of variables, inputs, outputs, or timers during the execution of your program. You can use the Trace Functions Editor to create and manage trace functions.

  • Using force functions. Force functions are functions that allow you to override or change the values of variables, inputs, outputs, or timers during or after the execution of your program. You can use the Force Functions Editor to create and manage force functions.

Test Functions

The test functions allow you to monitor and modify the values of variables, inputs, outputs, and timers in your programs while they are running on a real PLC. This can help you check the performance and behavior of your programs, as well as troubleshoot any errors or faults. To use the test functions, you need to do the following:

  • Connect your computer to your PLC using the communication interface you have configured. To connect your computer to your PLC, click on the PLC menu and select Connect to PLC. A dialog box will appear where you can select the communication interface and the PLC address.

  • Load your program into the PLC. To load your program into the PLC, click on the PLC menu and select Load Program into PLC. A dialog box will appear where you can select the program or block you want to load.

  • Run your program on the PLC. To run your program on the PLC, click on the PLC menu and select Run Program on PLC. A dialog box will appear where you can select the run mode (single cycle, continuous, or step by step).

  • Stop your program on the PLC. To stop your program on the PLC, click on the PLC menu and select Stop Program on PLC.

  • Reset your program on the PLC. To reset your program on the PLC, click on the PLC menu and select Reset Program on PLC.

While running your program on the PLC, you can also use some other features and functions that can help you test and debug your program. These include:

  • Using breakpoints and watchpoints. Breakpoints are points in your program where you want to pause or stop the execution. Watchpoints are points in your program where you want to monitor or modify the values of variables, inputs, outputs, or timers. You can use the Breakpoint Editor and the Watchpoint Editor to create and manage breakpoints and watchpoints.

  • Using trace functions. Trace functions are functions that allow you to record and display the values of variables, inputs, outputs, or timers during the execution of your program. You can use the Trace Functions Editor to create and manage trace functions.

Other Simatic S5 Programs with Simatic Step5 V7.1

Simatic Step5 V7.1 is not the only software program that you can use for programming and testing Simatic S5 PLCs. There are also other Simatic S5 programs that can complement or supplement Simatic Step5 V7.1, depending on your needs and preferences. These include:


S5-GRAPH is a software program that allows you to program Simatic S5 PLCs using the graphical language S5-GRAPH, which is a language that represents the logic of your program using step sequences. A step sequence is a series of steps that define the actions and transitions of your program. Each step consists of a name, a condition, an action, and a transition. You can use S5-GRAPH to create, edit, and test step sequences for your Simatic S5 PLCs. You can also use S5-GRAPH in conjunction with Simatic Step5 V7.1, as you can import and export step sequences between the two programs.


S5-PERF is a software program that allows you to optimize the performance of your Simatic S5 PLCs by analyzing and modifying the cycle time and memory usage of your programs. You can use S5-PERF to measure the cycle time and memory usage of your programs, as well as to identify and eliminate any bottlenecks or inefficiencies in your programs. You can also use S5-PERF to compare different versions or variants of your programs, as well as to simulate the effects of changing the hardware configuration or the communication parameters of your PLCs.


S5-DOS is a software program that allows you to program Simatic S5 PLCs using the DOS mode of your computer. You can use S5-DOS to create, edit, and test programs for your Simatic S5 PLCs using the LAD, FBD, STL, or SCL languages. You can also use S5-DOS to manage and transfer data between your computer and your PLCs using various communication interfaces, such as serial, USB, Ethernet, or PROFIBUS. You can use S5-DOS as an alternative or a backup to Simatic Step5 V7.1, as you can import and export programs between the two programs.

Practical Example with Simatic Step5 V7.1

To illustrate how to use Simatic Step5 V7.1 effectively for programming and testing Simatic S5 PLCs, we will show you how to create a simple program for controlling a conveyor belt system. The conveyor belt system consists of two sensors (S1 and S2), two motors (M1 and M2), and two lamps (L1 and L2). The logic of the program is as follows:

  • When sensor S1 detects an object on the conveyor belt, motor M1 starts and lamp L1 turns on.

  • When sensor S2 detects an object on the conveyor belt, motor M2 starts and lamp L2 turns on.

  • When both sensors detect no object on the conveyor belt, both motors stop and both lamps turn off.

To create this


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