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Henson Construction Group

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Joe Onofrio
Joe Onofrio

CAT Pack V 1.0

Users of Tomcat 10 onwards should be aware that, as a result of the move fromJava EE to Jakarta EE as part of the transfer of Java EE to the EclipseFoundation, the primary package for all implemented APIs has changed fromjavax.* to jakarta.*. This will almost certainlyrequire code changes to enable applications to migrate from Tomcat 9 and earlierto Tomcat 10 and later. Amigrationtool is under development to aid this process.

CAT Pack v 1.0

Use dotnet pack or msbuild -t:pack for PackageReference based projects.Under Mono, creating a package from a project file is not supported. You also need to adjust non-local paths in the .nuspec file to Unix-style paths, as nuget.exe doesn't convert Windows pathnames itself.

Indicates that the built package should include referenced projects either as dependencies or as part of the package. If a referenced project has a corresponding .nuspec file that has the same name as the project, then that referenced project is added as a dependency. Otherwise, the referenced project is added as part of the package.

(3.4.4+) Appends a suffix to the internally generated version number, typically used for appending build or other pre-release identifiers. For example, using -suffix nightly will create a package with a version number like 1.2.3-nightly. Suffixes must start with a letter to avoid warnings, errors, and potential incompatibilities with different versions of NuGet and the NuGet Package Manager.

Specifies that the package contains sources and symbols. When used with a .nuspec file, this creates a regular NuGet package file and the corresponding symbols package. By default it creates a legacy symbol package. The new recommended format for symbol packages is .snupkg. See Creating symbol packages (.snupkg).

For MDK, additional software components and support for microcontroller devices is provided by software packs. DFP (Device Family Pack) indicates that a software pack contains support for microcontroller devices.

'; if (startsWith(current_url_path, "/ansible-core/")) msg += 'You are reading documentation for Ansible Core, which contains no plugins except for those in ansible.builtin. For documentation of the Ansible package, go to the latest documentation.'; else if (startsWithOneOf(current_url_path, ["/ansible/latest/", "/ansible/7/"])) /* temp extra banner to advertise AnsibeFest2021 */ banner += extra_banner; msg += 'You are reading the latest (stable) community version of the Ansible documentation. If you are a Red Hat customer, refer to the Ansible Automation Platform Life Cycle page for subscription details.'; else if (startsWith(current_url_path, "/ansible/2.9/")) msg += 'You are reading the latest Red Hat released version of the Ansible documentation. Community users can use this version, or select latest from the version selector to the left for the most recent community version.'; else if (startsWith(current_url_path, "/ansible/devel/")) /* temp extra banner to advertise AnsibleFest2021 */ banner += extra_banner; /* temp banner to advertise survey important = true; msg += 'Please take our Docs survey before December 31 to help us improve Ansible documentation.'; */ msg += 'You are reading the devel version of the Ansible documentation - this version is not guaranteed stable. Use the version selection to the left if you want the latest (stable) released version.'; else msg += 'You are reading an older version of the Ansible documentation. Use the version selection to the left if you want the latest (stable) released version.'; msg += '

This module is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansibleinstallations. In most cases, you can use the shortmodule namepackage_facts even without specifying the collections: keyword.However, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to themodule documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may havethe same module name.

This option controls how the module queries the package managers on the system. first means it will return only information for the first supported package manager available. all will return information for all supported and available package managers on the system.

However, repeated entries are provided as a courtesy only.Therefore, if you are skipping one or more service packs, check the release notes of the skipped service packs as well.If you are only reading the release notes of the current release, you could miss important changes.

Use the new Zypper command zypper search-packages to search across all SUSE repositories available for your product, even if they are not yet enabled.This functionality makes it easier for administrators and system architects to find the software packages needed.To do so, it leverages the SUSE Customer Center.

In SLE 15, packages formerly shipped as part of the Software Development Kit are now integrated into the products.Development packages are packaged alongside other packages.In addition, the Development Tools module contains tools for development.

Full Installation Medium:Allows installing all SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 products without a network connection.This medium contains all packages from all SLE modules.SLE modules need to be enabled manually during installation.RMT (Repository Mirroring Tool) and SUSE Manager provide additional options for disconnected or managed installations.

Certain software delivered as part of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server may require an external contract.Check the support status of individual packages using the RPM metadata that can be viewed with zypper.

Additional contract needed: SUSE is providing the package including its dependencies with support based on upstream projects.For L3 support a separate contact with SUSE or another Third-Party is required.

Technology previews are packages, stacks, or features delivered by SUSE to provide glimpses into upcoming innovations.Technology previews are included for your convenience to give you a chance to test new technologies within your environment.We would appreciate your feedback!If you test a technology preview, contact your SUSE representative and let them know about your experience and use cases.Your input is helpful for future development.

As a technology preview, the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Arm 15 SP3 kernel includes etnaviv,a Display Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) driver for Vivante GPUs, and theMesa-dri package contains a matching etnaviv_dri graphics driver library.Together they can avoid the need for third-party drivers and libraries.

As a technology preview, the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Arm 15 SP2 kernel addedlima, a Display Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) driver for Mali Utgardmicroarchitecture GPUs, such as Mali-400, and the Mesa-dri packagecontains a matching lima_dri graphics driver library.

As a technology preview, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Arm 15 SP2 added a Btrfs driver toU-Boot for the Raspberry Pi (package u-boot-rpiarm64).This allows its commands ls and load to access files on Btrfs-formattedpartitions on supported boot media, such as microSD and USB.

The OpenLDAP server (package openldap2, part of the Legacy SLE module) is deprecated and will be removed from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4.The OpenLDAP client libraries are widely used for LDAP integrations and are compatible with 389 Directory Server.Hence, the OpenLDAP client libraries and command-line tools will continue to be supported on SLES 15 to provide an easier transition for customers that currently use the OpenLDAP Server.

To replace OpenLDAP server, SLES includes 389 Directory Server.389 Directory Server (package 389-ds) is a fully-featured LDAPv3-compliant server suited for modern environments and for very large LDAP deployments.389 Directory Server also comes with command-line tools of its own.

The current SLE container images were not small enough for cloud-native applications.Even though they had fewer packages compared to a regular SLE system, they still included many that were not required.These extra packages increased the size of the image and, most importantly, its attack surface.

Kernel module files are now stored in compressed form.As a result, the kernel package storage footprint is almost halved.The module file extension has changed from .ko to .ko.xz and the content is LZMA-compressed.All SLE components that manipulate the kernel modules have been adapted.Third-party software that does in-depth examination of kernel modules may require adjustments.

Oops/panic logs can now be saved to a block or a non-block device before the system crashes.After a reboot, they can be retrieved from the pstore file system.The kernel modules responsible for this are mtdpstore and pstore_blk.For more information, see the documentation file /usr/src/linux-KERNEL_VERSION/Documentation/admin-guide/pstore-blk.rst from the kernel-source package.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server packages using OpenSSL, GnuTLS, or Mozilla NSS already support TLS 1.3.We recommend no longer using TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, as SUSE plans to disable these protocols in a future service pack.However, not all packages, for example, Python, are TLS 1.3-enabled yet as this is an ongoing process.

The Btrfs utilities (package btrfsprogs) now provide conflict reporting and allow serializing these exclusive operations using the --enqueue option.For more information, see the man pages from the btrfsprogs package.

The salt package has been updated to version 3002.This update also includes patches, backports, and enhancements by SUSE for the SUSE Manager Server, Proxy and Client Tools.This applies to client operating systems with Python 3.5+.Otherwise Salt 3000 or 2016.11 is used.

The package rpm-config-SUSE is available on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3.This package allows adding or updating macros used at build-time without having to touch the core rpm package.This simplifies backporting packages that rely on newer macros.

These release notes only document changes in virtualization support compared to the immediate previous service pack of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.Full information regarding virtualization limits for KVM and Xen as well as supported guest and host systems is now available as part of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server documentation. 041b061a72


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  • Joe Onofrio
    Joe Onofrio
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  • Parker Lopez
    Parker Lopez
  • Jay Love
    Jay Love
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    Chariton Stepanov
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